Saturday, March 1, 2008

My First Blog

Hello everyone, welcome to my Blog Page. I am new to this and have recently discovered all new possibilities with my discovery of the ESTY website for selling my handmade handbags and designs. I have been sewing for over 30 years, beginning with the desire to create inexpensive draperies for my home. That spun off to my friends and family asking if I could do the same in their homes. From there I have branched out to making custom draperies over the past 7 years with my friend Liz. We met through our daughters who are the same age (now both in college) and they both encouraged their "moms" to get together and sew. That has been wonderful.

I have discovered that I love to make handbags of all kinds with my fabric scraps and am addicted to fabric designers such as Amy Butler, Joel Dewberry, Free Spirit Fabrics and many more. I cannot believe what the Internet has done for all of us fabric addicts, the possibilities are endless

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