Tuesday, April 30, 2013

1.5 Hour Handbag Sewing Project!

Yes you can make this bag in about an hour in a half.  If you cut out the pieces the day before you start sewing, lay them all out and sew the next day, the project will take about an hour.  Simple, fun and makes a great gift!  The sewing pattern can be purchased here:  AggieRay!

No time to sew, you can still purchase a completed handbag here:  AggieRay!  The fabric used for this handbag is Amy Butler Midwest Soul Blossoms Fuchsia Tree - Carmine Amy Butler Midwest Soul Blossoms Fuchsia Tree.  The fabric is available in my fabric shop on Etsy !Amy Butler Fabric with more fabric available for immediate shipping FabricPlace  This is a great bag to carry this Summer!

1 comment:

Bruno and Betty said...

Super cute bag! I just love the fabric.